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Our Story

Building, servicing and selling industrial meat slicers has been the family business for over sixty-five years.  In 1959, Jack Holsen, then a  recent Marquette University graduate, joined the largest food processing equipment manufacturing company in the world: the Allbright-Nell Company (ANCO). Headquartered in Chicago, the slicing machines produced by Allbright-Nell had once sliced more than 85% of the bacon in the world.

In 1980 Jack purchased the ANCO Meat Slicing and Processing Division and began manufacturing meat slicers, vacuumizers, and paper and card inserters; he also specialized in producing the involute knife which was essential in allowing the slicers to achieve new level of efficiency.  For three decades, the Holsen family produced this line of slicing equipment from their plant in Shelbyville, Kentucky. They built a steady stream of customers of global food processing leaders, including Smithfield, Oscar Mayer, Kraft, Hormel, Swift, and John Morrell.

In 2000, Jack retired and Frank, his son-in-law, assumed leadership of the business.  Frank has maintained the same customer service, industry relationships, and high-quality products for which the company has always been known.  Yet in working with customers all over the United States and around the world, he heard the same question asked: why isn’t there a high-speed, high-volume slicer in a compact size for commercial use?

In 2012, Frank began doing just that — working with teams of engineers at universities and machinists across the Midwest and designing, testing, and modifying a new line of slicers to be affordable for most commercial uses.  While designing the machine, he traveled the country and interviewed hundreds of people — from deli and restaurant owners to caterers and grocers — to understand their challenges. He found that dozens of major industrial manufacturers had the same need: a high-speed, high-volume slicer in a compact size.  

Today, the Holsen family has developed a new generation of deli slicers designed with the commercial kitchen in mind.  The Dx line of slicers has the speed, safety, and precision that restaurants, grocers, caterers, and food processors need — at a price they can afford.  Our vision is to bring commercial meat, cheese, and vegetable slicing into the twenty-first century while proudly manufacturing in the USA.

Say goodbye to the expensive and tough-to-maintain heavy industrial slicing machinery.  

Say hello to slicing, simplified.

Say hello to the Dx Line of  Slicing Machines.


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